Sunday, April 25, 2010


I'm so inactive because school's getting rough right near the end, I hope you guys understand, I'm really sorry, I mean really really sorry. Just kidding, I'm not except to you laydeez out there, WASSUP!? Anyways this is Caravels, they asked us to blog about them, which means that ohnoimlateforschool is getting Oh So PoPuLaRrRrR. In reality I meant to blog about them a while ago because they're sweet as hell, and better yet they're coming to Tucson Arizona, which I'm not going to miss because I live in Tucson Arizona (REPRESENT!). Side note - bands that come to Tucson are the best types of bands. Where are my manners? Caravels are a 5-piece post-hardcore band from Nevada, Las Vegas. They are definitely another one of the refreshing bands you can listen the hell out of and still not be sick of their stuff. Their new song on their myspace shows they're moving in a great direction too. A little extra information about this band could consist of that this picture has a nice random pair of legs in it, that's because Caravels played their set to that guy and the top part of his body exploded, and then they were all like, "hey what's going on here?" and then they spray painted "Welcome 2 Hell" on that car that they found because they're really METAL! Anyways, I'm getting boring and am going to let you hear this stuff because I've been secretly holding it for myself because I'm selfish and I feel bad.


Blogger thiob said...

The song playing on this article is great!

But what's the "Hunt Things" CD? It doesn't appear on they MySpace profile..

May 7, 2010 at 6:24 AM  
Blogger Ross said...

They've released Hunt Things, Demolitions, and The Earthling Sessions. I didn't post Demolitions, but I can if you'd like.

May 7, 2010 at 2:03 PM  

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